Why it’s beneficial to work with an LSP on a regular basis

Why it’s beneficial to work with an LSP on a regular basis
Companies operating in the international market, providing services to foreign clients, or just thinking about cross-border expansion should think about permanent cooperation with a language service provider (LSP). Why do we say so? Why is it beneficial to work with a translation agency on a regular basis? What benefits can you expect from such cooperation? Let’s find out!
You run a successful company. At some point, the idea of conquering foreign markets becomes irresistible. After all, the cross-border expansion opens doors to many benefits and new opportunities:
- The new market means new potential customers. This new target audience can even be larger than it is in your home country – you get quick access to millions of new customers!
- Perhaps even products you offer are more expensive in this new market, allowing you to make more money without changing the product range.
- Because you operate in many markets, your business becomes more stable, especially concerning local fluctuations.
However, conquering a new market is as tempting as it is challenging. Of course, for online business (e.g., the whole e-commerce sector), it’s a much easier assignment, but it still requires a lot of effort, financial resources, and support. And while we’re talking about the necessary support/support that’s needed (pick one), you have to remember that you need a decent language service provider, primarily when the new market operates in a different language.
At this point, someone might ask why we need a translation agency in the first place. After all, we can use Google Translate or hire a freelancer! From our perspective, if you’re thinking about this endeavour seriously, both these options will not suffice. Here’s why:
Why is it better to work with a translation agency instead of using an online translator or hiring a freelancer?
Let’s talk about free online translation services first. So-called online translators are nothing else than machine translation apps. And such apps are still imperfect and require careful human attention. For starters, online translators do not take into account the context in which words and statements appear in the text. Therefore the translated phrase may not make any sense in the target language. In addition, syntax errors and sometimes also punctuation errors are common problems. This makes the texts translated by online translators look bleak in comparison to human translation.
Read more about free online translation services in our two other blog posts:
Granted, many translators work as freelancers. So why is it better to work with a translation agency? Such a company employs a whole team of translators specialising in various fields, so you can be assured that your texts and documents will be translated by experts who know the specifics of your industry. Moreover, it is worth mentioning that freelancers frequently do not have access to the professional tools used by translation agencies, primarily because they are often too expensive for just one person.
Benefits of long-term cooperation with an LSP
Long-term cooperation with a translation agency entails a number of benefits. For starters, your language provider has the necessary time to get acquainted with your company, products, services, and expectations. This way, they can offer far more personalised translation services, compliant with your needs and communication style.
Secondly, you don’t have to waste time looking for a translator every single time you have to translate a document or text, so you save quite a lot of time. And if you decide to work with a decent language service provider that has the ISO 17100 certification, you can be 100% sure that you will receive high-quality service and your data (both personal and financial) will be safe. Of course, you can still ask such a translation agency to sign a non-disclosure agreement. We will talk a bit more about the safety matters in a few moments.
Professional translation agencies use tools (glossaries and CAT tools) that allow them to make even better and more accurate translations. Such tools also facilitate and accelerate the agency’s everyday work. This is yet another reason why you should opt for the services provided by a translation agency.
You can think of glossaries as dictionaries concerning one specific topic (or client). Glossaries are important when the client requires a particular translation of a given word or term, e.g., technical. In this case, the translator working with the specific text doesn’t have to wonder which translation is correct because the correct word in the target language is already imposed.
And what about CAT tools? The CAT abbreviation stands for computer-aided translation. CAT tools aid translators and linguists in editing, managing and storing translations so that their work is quicker and more effective. If you want to find out more about them, read another one of our articles entitled: Aids in Polish translations.
At Aploq, we believe every professional translation agency (and freelancers, too, for that matter) should take good care of the security of their clients’ data and documents. After all, translators often deal with confidential information, e.g., when translating corporate financial papers or patents. Ask your agency about security measurements they can offer before signing the dotted line.
And if you’re looking for a trusted language service provider that has the ISO certification and will translate your documents with the utmost care, the Aploq team is at your service! We specialise in Polish translations and related services. Drop us a line for details!
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