pl. Solny 14 lok. 3, Wroclaw, Poland

Tag: polish

What is Polonia and where can you find Poles?

Have you ever heard the term Polonia? It’s a Polish word, which basically means the Polish diaspora. It’s what we call Poles living abroad. Although, in a narrower sense, Polonia refers only to people of Polish origin who are born outside of Poland, in this article, we’re using the term in its wider sense. Today,…
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aploq translations - we speak polish

We Speak Polish. What’s Your Superpower?

Speaking Polish is a kind of a superpower. How so? Polish is one of the most complicated languages to learn for native English speakers, and with good reason. For starters, we have seven cases in the Polish language. Also, it’s loaded with consonants, and there are far more exceptions than rules. And that’s not all!…
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The uniformity of the Polish language

Polish being our primary working environment, we’ve decided to write a bit more about our native tongue. After all, without a shadow of a doubt, this is an immensely absorbing issue! We work with Polish every day, we use it all the time, but we rarely have time to think about it. We want to…
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translations - why client education is so important

Why client education is so important

We are fully aware that continuing to educate the market about professional translation services is crucial for the overall quality of our service. With rapid technological progress and a general lack of understanding regarding the translation process among clients, it’s the only way to establish good translation practices that will benefit the entire sector, including…
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The Founding of the Polish Association of Language Service Providers

The 2nd of October 2019 was a very important day for the translation industry in Poland: it marked the founding of POLOT, the Polish Association of Language Service Providers. APLOQ is proud to be not only a founding member but also the initiator and driving force behind this important initiative! The industry needed an organization that…
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