Aploq renews Elia membership and plans to attend industry meetings

The end of the year 2019 is bringing us many new opportunities and plans for the near future. We have just renewed our Elia membership and organised our 2020 calendar of events. Find out where we’re planning to be – perhaps we can meet and have a cup of coffee? 🙂
First things first: in December 2019, we renewed our membership of Elia (European language industry association). It’s good to be back. The idea behind this association is to raise industry standards and align services in accordance with the Elia Code of Conduct, which aims at delivering high-quality translations.

For instance, Elia Code of Professional Conduct and Business Practices states that ‘Member companies shall use professionally skilled, competent translators and/or interpreters who are qualified by education, training and experience to successfully carry out their assignment(s).’ This is what we’ve been doing since day one, and we’re always willing to contribute to any initiative that helps to raise the quality of translations. We can’t wait to attend Elia events next year and meet its members.
Events and meetings for the first half of 2020
Aploq will be present at a number of translation industry meetings and conferences.
NEC TM National Dissemination Day in Poland. The aims of the dissemination day are to understand the need for a central national translation memory and to learn the management tools for TMX files generated by national procurement contracts. The NEC TM project is an important turning point for national authorities, who are huge translation services buyers.
Strateski Summit 2020. Is it possible to combine skiing, networking and the translation industry? With Strateski, it is! Strateski is an informative and innovative ‘unconference’ for language company owners and managers, where LSP owners share concerns and ideas while building new working relationships. If you’re a keen skier, like our CEO Agata, and you run a language business, you can’t miss this opportunity!
EUATC. The 15th conference of the European Union of Associations of Translation Companies – two days in sunny Portugal, where we’ll attend the next T-Update meeting. This well-established language industry conference attracts attendees from across Europe and further afield, including from such vital markets as the Americas, Australia and the Far East. T-Update delegates are predominantly the most senior decision-makers working in LSPs – so, the meeting is the perfect place for us!
Elia Focus on Executives. This is another industry meeting primarily for LSPs managers and owners. Shortly after visiting beautiful Portugal, we’ll switch to even sunnier Rhodes. Elia Focus on Executives brings together industry decision-makers and offers a unique structured format to foster thought-provoking discussions built around an agenda. This meeting is mainly for executives doing business in Europe who are committed to creating a stronger future for their company and the industry as a whole.
Let us know where we can meet you! 🙂
All the best for the upcoming year 2020!