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How to find a language service provider that is good for you?

How to find a language service provider that is good for you?


There are so many translation agencies out there and new ones pop out almost every day. How to choose, if you are a shopping client who one day opens a browser, types in “translation agency” and sees pages and pages of legitimate companies from around the world…?

Let’s admit it, most if not all websites and offers sound about the same. They all promise top quality, years of experience, client testimonials, TM management, strict QA and supplier selection procedures.

Then offers arrive to your email and they are also very much alike, but some differences can be seen. Some take long to answer your email, others reply within minutes. Some send you a template with long list of their services and achievements, some will rather ask you questions and compose answers. Some are in attachment, some are plain text. Some send you price lists, some will not do that under no circumstances. You know better how you like it, I know I prefer plain and personal messages.

Finding the right one for you is harder than finding a needle in a haystack. It’s more like browsing a stack of needles. So how to choose?dreamstimefree_82641

If you are new to translation buying, you will need to spend some time gathering information what the market has to offer. My advice would be to look for a company that:

  • Communicates with you in the way you accept and enjoy. Are the response times swift? Are the messages clear and friendly? Are they specific?
  • Understands that you are a layman as far as translation is concerned. Are they willing to explain the process and show how you benefit from what they do?
  • Gives you added value. They are working on your texts on regular basis and with time they become specialist on your vocabulary. Are they willing to share this vocabulary with you? Are they using TM tools to make sure your vocabulary is consistent throughout your projects? Are you getting discounts based on the word repetition?
  • Is fair and open. Translation means working with people and words and both tend to be unreliable sometimes. Is your LSP open with you in case of delays or other issues impairing your project?
  • Is an expert in what they do. Do they participate in conferences and industry round tables? Do they make sure to be up to date with the market?
  • Is able to educate the client. Are they willing to share the knowledge with you? Can you learn from their website/ fun page/ blog about the translation and its importance for your business?
  • And last but not least, keeps the promises. Is the quality good or even superb? Can you trust them and not spend hours proofreading and rewriting? Do they observe your specification and use your preferred terminology? Do they keep deadlines you agreed?

It’s not easybut it can be done. If you don’t want to waste your time trying out many different agencies, send your jobs to Aploq. We will say it like you mean it22

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