pl. Solny 14 lok. 3, Wroclaw, Poland

Month: March 2018

Secret Polish Holiday Destinations

Secret Polish Holiday Destinations   Poland is such a visually impressive country, but its so often overlooked as let’s be honest – eastern Europe isn’t everyone’s no1. holiday destination. We’ve previously written about Wroclaw and the Best polish phrases to use on holiday. To expand on this, this week we’ll be looking at the 7…
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World poetry Day – Wislawa Szymborska

World Poetry Day   Wednesday was world poetry day, so to celebrate, Aploq would like to introduce you to our most noteworthy poet, Wislawa Szymborska. Ms. Szymorska was the fifth Pole to win the Nobel prize for literature in the last century. In her early life, she was heavily influenced by the Stalinist propaganda that…
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5 women. 5 countries. The same story.

Equal rights and women in business is a pretty hot topic right now. It’s also something we feel really passionate about. With the EU pay gap between men and women at an average of 16.2% per hour, it’s obvious why there’s a need for international women’s day. But will there still be a need for…
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Aploq’s guide to advertising in Poland

As Poland is still pretty new to free trade, the country had to create consumer legislation in 86’  to compensate for the lack up until then. So, what does that mean for companies looking to conquer the Polish market? This week we thought we’d go through all you need to know about advertising in Poland…
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